Kia Telluride launch with Laura Forman of David & Goliath, LA

Laura Forman

Laura Forman

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"The car built for the rest of us" sets the raw, yet optimistic tone of Kia's 2019 Telluride SUV launch. The back story is the revival of manufacturing in small town America with its focus on those who pride themselves based on what they do, not what others say they are. While it risked being viewed as culturally divisive in the context of modern-day politics, these are not shared values most Americans reject - hard work and an honest day’s pay. Hear how Kia navigated this somewhat treacherous cultural terrain with its launch of the Telluride.


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The contrast between the celebrity-fueled extravagance of Super Bowl culture with that of small town American culture, sets the stage for the brand as it tries to demonstrate a shared-values connection with those it refers to as the Unknowns.



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