John Lewis Insurance with Tom Sussman (while at Adam & Eve, DDB)
Tom talks us through the strategy behind the Tiny Dancer campaign for John Lewis Home Insurance (a division of John Lewis Department Stores.) Positioned as "for when life goes right," the brand takes a very different approach than the conventional category. This was important in order to stay consistent with the tone of the John Lewis brand, most importantly the famous, heartwarming Christmas campaigns. See the work below.
Referenced work:
John Lewis Insurance, the insurance branch of the UK retail store brand, delivered impressive sales results with Tiny Dancer, a campaign featuring a child ballerina as she carelessly twirls around her house, and John Lewis carefully holds everything in place.
John Lewis “Tiny” TV spot
In 2015, the John Lewis brand occupied a special place in the U.K public's affections. Over the previous 10 years, its communications had repeatedly stolen the nation's hearts with its Christmas commercials that reconnected us all with the imagination of a child.
John Lewis “Penguin” TV spot