Beats by Dre with Simon Wassef, CSO of TBWA Chiat Day, LA.

Beats by Dre with Simon Wassef, On Strategy Showcase

Simon Wassef

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Simon shares the launch strategy for Beats produced during his time at R/GA. Before Beats, devices came with headphones. Beats made headphones the device. Simon shares the insights that fueled the "Hear what you want" and "Game behind the Game" campaigns.


Referenced work

Beats didn’t cancel noise, they silenced haters. They silenced fear and doubt. And by silencing unwanted opinions, Beats created focus. That was the campaign idea.


"Hear what you want” TV spot


In a category that talked noise cancellation in the context of flying on planes, sport was how Beats did it, both for the “Hear what you want” and “Game before the Game” campaigns.


“Game before the Game” TV spot



John Lewis Insurance with Tom Sussman (while at Adam & Eve, DDB)