New Balance with Tomas Gonsorcik, CSO of VMLY&R, North America

Tomas Gonsorcik

Tomas Gonsorcik

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A self-defined challenger brand, Tomas tells the planning story behind New Balance's rapid growth in the last few years. The brand went through some internal reflection a few years back, emerging with a clear definition of its brand and goals. That led to the Fearlessly Independent brand platform and its partnership with athletes who share its quiet confidence and who walk their own path. Also listen to our episodes on Nike and Adidas Originals.


Referenced work:


The launch of Fearlessly Independent was, in many ways, built on the brand’s past. For years it had used the line “endorsed by no one.” That was a statement of its confidence, with a focus on quality over celebrity. Fearlessly Independent was a return to that tone through a new lens.


A film that captures the breath of the brand’s appeal and the qualities that define it.


A film series celebrating emerging musicians and artists who reflect independence in both thinking and creativity. They are meant to represent a generation that redefines what’s expected of them by changing perceptions and making their own way.



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