Marmite Gene Project with Martin Beverley and Will Grundy of Adam & Eve DDB


Martin Beverley

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Will Grundy

Will Grundy

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"You either love it or you hate it" has been the theme of the Marmite work for close to two decades. The brand's humorous work has made Marmite a British institution. But as sales flattened and young families’ tastes shifted, Marmite, and its new client, pondered whether they should abandon the long-held theme. Martin Beverley and Will Grundy walk us through the planning approach they took to discover the real underlying challenge, helping them see the brand's theme through a new lens, rather than having to replace it. It was a brilliant, comprehensive answer to a multi-faceted challenge.


Referenced work

The most recent campaign poses the question, are you born a lover or a hater?


An earlier campaign in 2012 was built on the observation that many jars of Marmite are abandoned and neglected in kitchen cabinets around the country. This campaign matched the pseudo-drama of a reality show with humor that is pure Marmite.




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