Crocodile Dundee. A tourism campaign in disguise, with Will Davie of Droga5 NY

Will Davie

Will Davie

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A movie trailer for a Crocodile Dundee reboot or a tourism campaign? Hear the story behind "Australian Nature," the creative strategy that would result in the most successful tourism campaign in the country's history and the most watched Super Bowl spot in 2018. The campaign broke new ground by focusing efforts on a powerful PR-centric idea: a fictional movie trailer release that, weeks later, would turn into a Super Bowl reveal. A strategy built at the intersection of the nature of Australia and the nature of Australian people. See the work below. 


Referenced work

How do you make Australia top-of-mind for American travelers, and compelling enough to justify a 21-hour flight? In part, by creating a tourism campaign in disguise. The pretend reboot of an Australian cultural icon: 1986’s Crocodile Dundee.


Movie trailer spot


The campaign had two phases, the release of the fictional movie trailer in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, and the reveal of the truth in the Super Bowl itself.

Tourism Australia.png


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