Expedia’s shift from travel to the traveler

Marshall Ball
VP, Brand Strategy
Los Angeles, CA

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Aisea Laungaue
Partner, CSO
Los Angeles, CA

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LinkedIn / Anomaly

Ep# 2 in our “Best of Travel” series. At the center of this new campaign is Expedia's shift from being “travel focused” to “traveler focused.” A shift away from marketing destinations, to marketing the moments and feelings that great travel experiences make possible for us… all while reassuring us that we’re getting the best, trusted deal.

The early work was built around a line found in almost every deck about younger adults, which says they favor “experiences over possessions.” In the launch spot, Ewan McGregor asks if we will “look back on our lives and regret the things we didn’t buy… or the places we didn’t go.” This is the story behind Expedia’s global Made To Travel campaign. Listen to the interview below and see the creative work.


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